Prayer Requests - Nicaragua
"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer Requests from Pastor Hamilton, Petra Managua:
- For God to raise up elders, deacons and leaders after His own heart and use them for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.
- For God's vision and strength in the Lord to take the steps of faith that He is leading us to take.
- For wisdom and conviction to be able to plant one more church in Managua and a church in the city of Masaya.
Prayer Requests from Pastor Jimmy, Petra East Managua:
- For my family and I to serve the Lord with gratitude and humility, understanding that God does not need us but wants to give us the privilege of serving Him in His Church.
- That God provides all the necessary gifts and resources in the planting of the new church in Managua, so that we are a core group of much prayer and that we depend only on God and His Word.
- That God opens doors for the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and so that we can proclaim His glory in Managua, using the new church plant in Managua as an instrument.
Prayer Requests from Pastor Edgar, Petra Matagalpa:
- Please pray that God opens doors for the preaching of his Word throughout the city of Matagalpa through the vision and plans we have for the Church.
- Please pray for the workers that God will use to expand His work, we pray for new families that are brought by the Lord to His church in Matagalpa and that these same people are used to grow and strengthen the core group of the church.
- Please pray for men and women who love the Lord and His church, so that they can be sent to plant new Bible churches in the North of the Country. Our desire is to reach the entire north of the country starting with the city of Estelì, therefore we must strive, work, pray, disciple, train through the power and guidance of our Lord.
Prayer Requests from Pastor Rafael, Petra Merida:
- Please pray for our hearts as a family that we continue to grow in spiritual maturity and that God will continue to show us sin so that we can serve him with the right hearts for His honor and glory.
- Pray for the members of the church to persevere in the gospel in the midst of all the opposition and influence of a community that lives in darkness and much sin.
- Pray for physical and spiritual protection for our family. There is a lot of spiritual warfare and demonic attacks on us and the members due to the practice of witchcraft that is very common in Merida.
- Pray for evangelism in the region and that God gives us wisdom and diligence in going out to preach and organizing activities with an evangelistic purpose.
Prayer Requests from Pastor Aaron, Petra Balgue:
- For the bold proclamation of the Gospel on Ometepe Island.
- For more leaders and men in the church.
- For open doors in a new field on the island (Altagracia) and San Jorge, Rivas.
Prayer Requests - Petra Colombia
"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." Psalm 145:18

Prayer Requests from Pastor Leo, Petra Colombia:
- For the growth and maturity of the churches in Bogota and Villavicencio.
- For open doors to start a new church plant as we reach out in the town of Yopal.
- For the 10-15 men being trained through the Petra School of Ministry in Colombia to become future church leaders.
Prayer Requests - Bozeman
"Pray without ceasing." 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer Requests from Pastor Jared, Petra Bozeman:
- For a new facility for Petra Bozeman and for the mission offices in a strategic location in order to reach more people.
- For the Lord to develop the group of seven men to become the future deacons and elders of the church.
- For a total of four worship teams to fill the needs of both the English and Spanish Services at the bilingual church plant.
Prayer Requests - Future Locations
"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think." -Ephesians 3:20

Prayer Requests for the Expansion of God's Kingdom through Petra:
- For the establishment and growth of the new church plant in Managua, Nicaragua.
- For a permanent pastor for Petra Chinandega.
- For the new church planting work in Argentina and the exact workers God has for that new field.
- For the establishment of non-profit status in Petra Costa Rica in 2023.
- For the funds for the new church plants, including the new Managua new church plant that currently needs about $5,000.