"For while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."
1 Timothy 4:8
The Vision of Petra Wilderness International (PWI) is to present the Gospel and introduce a Christ-centered discipleship to over 500 youth over the next ten years in multiple states and countries. This ministry is intricately connected to the overall vision of Petra International Ministries and planting Christ-centered churches, as God powerfully uses these times in the backcountry, along with preaching and being intricately connected to the Christ-centered church in Bozeman to radically transform lives and prepare students for future local and global ministry.

"Doing Great Commission work in an increasingly hostile world demands a strong and steadfast heart that is fortified by truth in the mind. Doctrines can be studied and discussed in the safety of a classroom, or they can be absorbed and applied in the undomesticated wilderness. Much growth can be accelerated and much weakness can be identified by learning from the Lord in the wild."
Training Expeditions
Petra Wilderness International provides students with various outdoor expedition opportunities throughout the year, with the focus of each trip being discipleship, evangelism, and ministry training. PWI provides specific and intentional discipleship in the areas of Cristology, Spiritual Formation, and Spiritual Leadership, along with developing a Biblical view of culture and anthropology, with the ultimate goal of preparing young people for both local and global ministry.

Spiritual Objectives
• To grow in the knowledge of God’s greatness and sovereignty through witnessing the grandeur of His creation.
• To build spiritual maturity in all participants of the wilderness trips.
• To train all participants in leadership abilities and practices that can be applied to specific areas of ministry.
• To practice servanthood and preference for others during the expedition. (Rom. 12:1-5)
• To build spiritual maturity in all participants of the wilderness trips.
• To train all participants in leadership abilities and practices that can be applied to specific areas of ministry.
• To practice servanthood and preference for others during the expedition. (Rom. 12:1-5)

Summer 2022 Team
"God showed me on the expedition that things that seem unchangeable to me, He can change them in a moment by His power."

Winter 2022 Team
"God showed me on the expedition that through Him alone do I have the strength and boldness to get through obstacles, whether physically or spiritually."
2024 schedule
Winter Expedition
February 9-10th
Mystic Lake Trip
July 8-11th
Glacier - Garden Wall Trail
August 5-9th
Livingston - Pine Creek Lake
August 15-17
Pinedale, Wyoming
August 25-28
Escalante, Utah
September 29-October 2
February 9-10th
Mystic Lake Trip
July 8-11th
Glacier - Garden Wall Trail
August 5-9th
Livingston - Pine Creek Lake
August 15-17
Pinedale, Wyoming
August 25-28
Escalante, Utah
September 29-October 2
Pro Partners
We have secured partnerships with some of the biggest gear companies in the industry to receive pro discounts on equipment and supplies. This helps keep program costs as low as possible, while still having the high quality gear needed for these expeditions. These partners include Alpen Fuel, Big Agnes, Cascade Designs, MSR, Osprey, Packtowel, Platypus, Right On Trek, Sealine, Sitka and Therm-a-rest.

Montana Mountain Medicine Training
The Montana Mountain Medicine Wilderness First Responder course is an extensive dive into the most common - and uncommon- injuries and illnesses encountered in the backcountry. It is designed for anyone spending extended periods of time in remote or extreme wilderness areas, and is the industry standard for professional outdoor guides. All PWI expedition leaders are required to be certified.
PWI 2022 Winter Trip Video
Summer 2023 Team Videos
Get involved
If you are interested in supporting this ministry so that more students can be reached, trained, and equipped, please fill out the form on our Contact Us page.